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Thursday, June 16, 2022

Potato Soup

5 pounds russet potatoes
2 quarts broth or stock, separated
1/2 cup (or one stick) of butter
1 onion 
4 individual stalks of celery
4 cloves of garlic
1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
Salt and pepper to taste. I use about 1 teaspoon of salt and about 1/4 teaspoon of pepper.

1. Peel and dice Potatoes. 
2. Put diced Potatoes in pot with 1 quart of broth. Add enough water to cover the tops barely. Boil until tender.
3. Meanwhile, chop onion, celery, and garlic very finely. Set the garlic aside.
4. Sauté onion and celery in butter until translucent and tender
5. Add garlic and stir until you smell it.
6. Quickly add flour and stir until bubbly.
7. Add the other broth and stir until it boils one minute. (Blend until smooth if you want smooth soup.)
8. Mash potatoes, but do not drain. 
9. Put the two mixtures together and add whipping cream, salt, and pepper.
10. Serve with cheese, sour cream, bacon bits, or whatever you would like.
11. Lasts tightly sealed in fridge 10 to 14 days.

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